
Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

Hot Music °2

I like to hear a lot of music. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is turning on the radio to not fall asleep again. On my way to University I always have my iPod and my newest songs with me and when I’m tired in the evening but need to get ready for going out, I turn it up really loud and feel motivated again. Without music, life would be so boring. But if you always listen to the same, it is boring as well. Especially if you ONLY listen to radio music. I don’t see how someone can work at the radio. How can they take it? Hearing the same ten songs twelve times a day? Even if they are awesome (and some of them are), you just HAVE to hate them after they’ve been in the charts for six weeks and you’ve heard the like 400 times. To get to know new, good music isn’t always easy though. It’s time consuming to search and find some good songs. So, if you just need something fresh and nice to listen to, check out my new list of hot music.
PS.: Actually, there are some songs that are already in the charts and are probably going to be played to death as well buuut now they are just super, so, enjoy!

Some happy-making indie music from Australia. Makes you want to sing along and smile!

This song is something special as it hasn’t only a great and somewhat unusual sound but also an interesting text which criticises our todays hook up culture. It reminds us that playing games and faking feelings isn’t the ultimate way to live our (love) life.

Some smooth electro sounds combined with a nice voice, dance dance dance.

Weeeell. This is just awesome. It’s a remake of “ABC” from the Jackson 5 which has already been a song which makes you feel so fine. And this is even better. It makes you happy, really does! After I’ve heard it for the first time I wanted to sing the refrain non-stop for three days.

Wanna sit in a cool car and cruise through some even cooler city with your arm out of the window and everything…

Some more uplifting, indielicious stuff which makes you want to tap your feet to the beat.

How come that every song Martin Solveig produces is a must-play for every DJ in a club? Bam bam!

A beautiful song with a mellow sound which makes you feel relaxed and a bit thoughtful.

Cheerfull song for good times. Whith this, the sun shines even on a rainy day.
“I’ve been in love with love…”

Ed Sheeran simply has one of the most beautiful voices, probably on the whole world. He could sing “You Can Leave Your Head On” and it might would make me cry as well. This song isn’t new but it is so sad, so full of feelings, so perfect, you just have to hear it before some freak think it’s a great idea to put it on the radio… 

Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

Kalt und immer kälter

Sie blickt aus dem Fenster,
blickt in ihr Herz,
fühlt dort die Kälte,
da den Schmerz.

Noch ist es Herbst,
doch die Farben verblassen,
bis sie schließlich die Welt,
in grau hinterlassen.

Der Winter, er kommt,
in all seiner Pracht,
hüllt sie in Dunkelheit,
in ewige Nacht.

So schwarz, so weiß,
so still und fahl,
die Luft klirrend kalt,
die Bäume ganz kahl.

Eine Träne fließt,
als sie sich eingesteht,
dass es so weit ist,
dass die Wärme nun geht.

Sie wünschte sie bliebe,
ist längst nicht bereit,
doch weiß sie genau,
es ist höchste Zeit.

Kein Festhalten mehr,
kein warten und hoffen,
ergibt sich der Kälte,
verletzlich und offen.

Und so friert sie ein,
wird eisig und steif,
bis eines Tages wieder,

ein Sonnenstrahl sie streift.

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015

Growing up

Do you remember those days back then in kindergarten, when life was easy and full of fun and innocent happiness? When the only thing you had to worry about was whether or not it would rain today, because in the rain you weren’t allowed to play in that great sandbox full of lovely dirt? The only networking you had to do was being nice to that awfully aggressive boy so you could borrow his shovel to build your sandcastle. The worst things in your day were those vegetables you had to eat for lunch but your mood lighted up immediately when you watched your four year old super-best-friend-forever try to feed those little green trees to the cat. It didn’t need money, cars or good marks to make you happy. All you needed were some soap bubbles you could blow or playing catch to make you smile.

When I was a little kid, I thought the world was good. I thought, everything would just be fine. I was deeply convinced that my parents could fix everything. If there’s a problem, whichever, they’d be able to solve it. Because, they were adults. And my parents as well. I thought, they’d have to know how the world works, how to make everything right again when something is wrong. That they would protect me, that nothing in this world could harm me.
And that was the best feeling, ever. To think, I am invincible, untouchable, protected and save.

It took me a while, to figure out, that grown-ups have problems too. Some of them, unsolvable. I remember exactly how it felt when I realised, that there where things in this world, even my superhero-parents couldn’t protect me from. Wars. Disease. Pain. Heartache. I felt so vulnerable, so afraid, so irritated. Why do awful things happen? To whom? What for? Why can’t anyone do something against them?  I just didn’t get it. Actually, in some cases, I still don’t.

I grew older and understood some more (partly because of that awesome skill I acquired, called reading) and I started worrying about a lot more than the weather. Some things just didn’t make sense to me. I knew more by then but I still was fascinated by older persons and what they’ve already experienced. When I was around ten, I was looking up to those sixteen year olds and thought, they’d have to know so much and seen so much. They’d have to be so self-confident, so strong, and so grown-up. They sure have had their first kisses. First boyfriends. First maybe. Eventually even other first times. Uuuugh. I was wondering, do people change after that? Do they look different? Do they feel different? I really was sure, things like this would have an immense impact on people’s lives. I mean, they kind of have. But in fact, you just stay the same afterwards. The only things that change, are your memories. For the better, ideally.

And then, some day, I was sixteen myself. But I didn’t feel much wiser by then and not very different. And I sure as hell didn’t feel strong or grown-up. I still felt like a kid, like one who can go out and even drink and party but still a kid which doesn’t know what life plans for it. But I was sure, I’d know, when I’d be 21. Because with 21, you really ARE a grown up. You’ve finished school, you live alone, you can do what you want, you have to take care of yourself and you have to know what’s right and wrong and what you want.

Well. I turned twenty-one last month. And, surprise, I still don’t feel grown-up. Life is harder now. Full of worries and to-dos, of tasks and responsibilities, of problems and regrets. I deal with them, we all do. We have to. But it’s not like it’s easy. I always thought it would be, when you’re an adult. You’d know it by then, you’d know how to handle everything. The good news are though, no one really does. No one ever feels ready and prepared for that. Everyone just has to do it, live life, the best he can.

We have the feeling that we have to act all mature and sensible, show how strong we are, don’t show too much emotion, don’t show we’re vulnerable. We try to convince everyone else, especially ourselves, that we can handle everything, that we don’t need help, that we are no kids anymore. We forget taking time outs for blowing soap bubbles. We rarely make a break from live for dancing in the rain, for just having fun.

We are so busy pretending that we are just fine, that we are old enough to do all these serious things we have to do. All the time we hide our weaknesses and emotions to not seem childish, not seem like a kid. But while we do that, we totally forget, how much being a kid was. We forget all these good times we had, how easy life was and how important it is, to recover our inner child, to remind ourselves that life doesn’t always have to be serious and we don’t always have to be tough.

I did some statistically sound research (asked some friends) and found out that even the strongest of us, those who seem so adult the whole time, feel like crawling into the cosy, safe bed of their mums sometimes. We move out, want to be independent, want to be free. And then we are. And next we realise how lonely it can be, to be all grown up, all independent, protected by only ourselves. Sure, we can handle it. When we are in a bad mood and just want to be hugged, sure we can stay home and occupy ourselves with work (because of course there always is enough) but why on earth should we force ourselves? Why shouldn’t we call home, ask our lovely parents if we couldn’t come over for that motherlicious food you only get in the safe house you’ve grown up at?

Because we are too proud. Don’t want to admit to our friends or parents and especially not to ourselves, that we could sometime need a break from adulthood. A place where everything is safe and sound. Where no one can harm us, where we don’t have to put on an act, where we are loved the way we are.

There are days I wish I just could go back to kindergarten, where the sky was so blue and free of the worries of the real life. Of the life of adults. Of the not-as-funny-as-I-thought-life of grown-ups. I want my parents to be able to solve all my problems. I want to feel that freedom I felt back then, because THAT really was freedom.

I’m glad that when life really is tough, I know I can go home. Where I don’t have to be strong, where I can be a kid again. My parents might aren’t able to solve my problems for me. But they can help me, solve them myself. Sometimes I just want to sit there with my mum cooking dinner for me and her listening to me whining about life and telling me that everything will be fine. I need that. It gives me strength for all the daily fights of the real world. Because honestly, I think deep down we all still are kids. Forever. And actually, I wouldn’t want to have it any other way. Peter Pan would be so proud of me. Of us.


Sie spielt mit dem Feuer,
fasziniert von dem Licht.
Will sich abwenden,
doch kann sie es nicht.

Die Flamme, sie züngelt,
erleuchtet die Nacht.
So wild und verzehrend,
erst einmal entfacht.

Zu heiß doch erwärmend,
so gut und doch schlecht.
Gefährliche Rettung,
unfassbar doch echt.

Sie sehnt sich nach Wärme,
in ihrem gefrorenen Herz.
Sie kommt viel zu nahe,
fühlt so nur den Schmerz.

Das Feuer, es brennt,
verzehrt alles um sich.
Verschlingt Hoffnung und Mut,
bevor es schließlich erlischt.

Die Verbrennungen heilen,
während die Narben verbleiben
um uns stets zu erinnern,

das Feuer zu meiden.